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BIM Management is More than a 3D Representation

Unveiling BIM’s hidden layers and its power on Modern Construction


The general perception of BIM as a management tool limits it, in many cases, to its visualisation capabilities. The reality is that BIM is way more than that. It is an integrated approach that results in a coordinated design, embedding information into the model and facilitating the workflow of the project.


The immediate benefits of BIM, as an integrated mechanism, are noticed through the enhanced collaborative space between the different stakeholders of the project.


It supports the decision-making process and provides a framework to implement and monitor critical measures, such as efficiency and sustainability.

BIM Management BDAI

A robust BIM management process will finetune and impact the 3 pillars of a successful project:

At BDAI, we advocate for an integration of BIM Management in the design process. We assist our clients in formulating a system that is specifically catering for their needs.


BDAI BIM:  Stages & Service


At BDAI, we breakdown the BIM process into 3 stages:


The service will encompass the following:


At BDAI, we have a dedicated team to provide BIM Management services.


We assist our clients in creating a tailor-made framework that caters for their specific requirements.


BDAI BIM is a standalone service and can be offered separately to other services like Design, Documentation & Design Management.